Horizons|Malaysia sets a record high in the number of new confirmed cases

 On December 10, pedestrians wearing masks walked on the streets of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. According to data released by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia on the 10th, as of noon of the same day, there were 2,234 new confirmed cases of new crowns in the country within 24 hours, a record high since the outbreak, with a total of 78499 confirmed cases, a total of 396 deaths, and a total of 66,236 cured cases.

On December 10, people wearing masks walked on the streets of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
On December 10, a man wearing a mask was walking on the streets of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
On December 10, a policeman wearing a mask patrolled the streets of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
On December 10, pedestrians wearing masks walked on the streets of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
On December 10, a woman wearing a mask checked her mobile phone on the streets of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily official website